Quote of the Week

Drawing is the honesty of art. To draw does not mean simply to reproduce contours: drawing does not consist merely of line. Drawing is also expression, the inner form, the plane and modeling. See what remains after that. Drawing includes three and a half quarters of the content of painting. -- Jean Auguste Ingres Quote

Monday, January 30, 2012

Unicef Ambassadors

Earlier this term we looked at Hope for the Congo and we talked briefly about artists, musicians, dancers, and actors who have often chosen to use their popularity to bring attention to an important social cause. Today, I would like you to explore the role of UNICEF. Find out what they do, who they are, and their areas of focus. Then I would like you to brainstorm and come up with an area of focus that you believe OHS should consider helping out with. For example, in the fall when UNICEF traditionally collects coins by distributing boxes so little ones can ask for donations when they trick or treat, we could have a day in which everyone tricks and wears a costume for Halloween and the treat would be a dollar donation for dressing up. What is your idea? Be original.


  1. I think that OHS should hold a student/teacher flag football game. Charge students $1 or $2 a ticket and give the profits to UNICEF

  2. OHS campus wide paintball game? Charge 30 bucks for admission. Help the children, or be branded a heartless organization of educators? Your move OHS...

  3. I think that OHS should have a student teacher boxing match and charge up to 3 dollars an give the money to UNICEF

  4. I think OHS should focus on the community as a whole and what other kids have to deal with everyday. I think volunteer hours should be required to graduate again to make people forced to more aware.

  5. i think we should host a student teacher talent show type thing and charge like 3-5 dollars for a ticket and give the benefits and profits to UNICEF

  6. OHS should be able to hold a marathon, which would bring in benefits. This would challenge in many aspects and also show pure dominance and donate the money to UNICEF.

  7. OHS could bring some foods that students buy, and they can actually the half of the money they got in every person to buy they could give it to the UNICEF half of it.

  8. I think that OHS should let people bring in money, and when they do, they get a free period or leave early one day.

  9. UNICEF basically helps country's who don't have any money and i guess OHS could do some kind fundraiser but nobody actually does fundraisers so we probably wouldn't make any money

  10. I honestly love Samantha's suggestion. I know caring cannot be taught. But the sense of accomplishment and the personal rewards are there and I think it becomes a win win. It's as the old adage says, "The more you give the more you will get back."

  11. I think OHS should have a fundraiser. i know most people don't like to sell but all you have to do is promise a free period and that usually makes people sell. We should also get the other schools in involved then we could give the money we make as a whole to UNICEF

  12. I think OHS should raise money not just for school projects. It should go towards the community to. But, more student teacher games would easily earn enough money for what they want to do.

  13. I believe we should have a Lacrosse game and charge everyone 5$ and give the profits to UNICEF.

  14. Student-Teacher Olympics! and charge 2$ for students and 5$ for people who aren't Ohs Students.

  15. I like Trenton's idea. Flag football would be fun against the teachers and it would be a great fundraiser. Not only would a lot of people want to play in it, there would be a lot of people who would want to watch it as well

  16. I Think It Would Be Nice If OHS Would Just Be Generous And Have A Fundraiser For The Community Instead Of The School.. It Would Be Alot Helpful And I Think We Would Get Alot Of Money Back From The Government If We Did That..

  17. I Think OHS Should Just Have A Day Were They Have All Kinds Of Sporting Games Students Will Play Them In Each Other & The Parents Will Pay A Price Of 2 Dollars To Come See Their Child Or Children Play.

  18. Like we did at OMS we should have the starting players on the basketball team vs their coaches and then charge $3 during 4th period class.

  19. A fundraiser, like putting money to bet on teachers to wear skirts like we did a long time ago.

  20. I think we should have a student teacher basketball game charge $1 and give the money to UNICEF

  21. I think we should host student teacher talent show and charge 2-3 dollars and give the profit to UNICEF

  22. I think we should have a soccer game for all of the people that want to play students v.s teachers and if students win they don't have to come to school for one whole week

  23. OHS could do so many different thing to raise money. But, when we do fundraisers nobody tries to sell things.
    I think we could give a days or even a weeks worth if the lunch rooms cookie profits to UNICEF.

  24. UNICEF is a donation organization for kids or people in need after a disaster occurred in their town. Its people helping the citizens of that town some help to get back on their feet, to be safe, and to have food & water. I think that the school should give back to our community and help the people thats in need or just clean the city up.

  25. i think we can vote to someone to wear dress all day, and every vote cost about 1 dollar or 50 cents.

  26. I think OHS should just have a day where the let the kids out early but you have to pay about 2 or 3 dollars. I think alot of kids would go for that.

  27. i think OHS should hold a sport that is like fighting kinda but its not all that violent and have admission at 15 .

  28. i'm with Jonah, the paintball thing would be a good ideal, but also have teachers play in the games, too. Cause i know if they played i would definitely play, actually i would either way but, it would be a good choice.

  29. Im on board with nathan, paint ball is an excellent idea, have every willing student play, put them in squads of 5 with rankings and have a free for all match against students and teachers

  30. I think that OHS should have more student and teacher games and have one every week and charge $1 for each one and give the money to UNICEF

  31. I think it would be AWESOME if Ohs had an entire month where every thing we did, was for donations that would go to UNICEF. We could have sporting events and the proceeds could go to UNICEF We could also do a huge talent show, Cause' those are always fun, and the ticket money could be donated as well.

  32. I think we should have donations for UNICEF by donating every time we have a dance. We should have donate a dollar.

  33. i think we should have a pep rally that costs money to enter, with games and rally tickets for prizes for UNICEF.

  34. ohs should have a day that students get to have just a fun day and do nothing but have to pay like $10

  35. i Think That OHS Should take a day out of each week in which you have to take the time out of your day and help the needy

  36. i think that we should have an a 2v2 obstacle tournament, 3rd wins $5 2nd wins $10 and 1st wins $20

  37. I think ohs should have more drives, for coats,food, and clothing for those in need. I mean there is people our age that don't have anything and instead of donating it to a store we should collect them and give them to our school system schools, and homeless shelters of owensboro!

  38. I think we should start tradition of a donation box. Let students bring canned goods or any old clothing, even extra change to give. They shouldn't want anything in return, if so, just let them see how selfish they are.

  39. i think more school should help people that don't have clothing or food. because a lot of people waste just think of how much food each and everybody wasted that we could be giving i to people that are starving!!

  40. I think it would be easy enough to have more fun events in the gym during school that only cost a dollar or so to get into. People enjoy going to those, and the money made could go to UNICEF.

  41. I think we OHS should hold events to gain money for UNICEF, like sports events or just some random thing. Like racing Go-Karts or something. Anything that can gain money.

  42. I think that OHS should have a laptop accessory sale, i know that tons of kids would buy covers and cases for our laptops.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. i think we should have a student teacher football game charge 5$ to get in give the money to UNICEF

    D1 #97 Christon Woods

  45. We should have a student teacher baseball game and charge $1 for admission. Then we could donate the money to UNICEF

  46. Football game where 85% of profit should go to the Congo for education.

  47. i think that we should have a student faculty day out and everyone can go out and do something to help like cash for trash . we could raise sooo much money for doing that . and then donate it all to UNICEF

  48. I like how so many people are going to help African children but not how some of the people do it, i saw an add for where people are sending laptops to the kids and i think that is really dumb. they don't need laptops, they need food and shelter. and when they give them laptops, how would they charge it or use it without WiFi?

  49. I think OHS should host more student teacher basketball games and give the money to UNICEF.

  50. We should have a day where a student dresses up like a teacher and put the money in a students jar and all the money goes to UNICEF

  51. OHS should have a big cook out were there are contest and drawings and food and drinks and they should take the money from tickets and give it too UNICEF

  52. I think that we should have running for money organizations.
    Go OHS cc !!!!

  53. I think we should have a student teacher softball game. 50 dollar admission because I will be there, and I'm famous, obviously. So during the game, I say they shoot out t-shirts with UNICEF on them, and my face on the back. We will make BANK off of that, Just saying.
